Gabriel Boudier’s Nori Liqueur Featured in Distiller Magazine

Gabriel Boudier’s Nori Liqueur Featured in Distiller Magazine

Categories : Press Review

An Unexpected and Bold Liqueur

Crafted from Japanese seaweed, our Nori Liqueur captures the essence of umami with finesse. The article highlights Gabriel Boudier’s talent for transforming rare ingredients into sophisticated creations. The blend of savory marine notes with balanced sweetness opens up new gustatory horizons.

A Star Ingredient for Cocktails

Distiller Magazine emphasizes the impact of Nori Liqueur on cocktails. Its aromatic depth elevates martinis and avant-garde creations alike, providing bartenders with a valuable ally for innovating with the still relatively unexplored umami flavor profile.

A Well-Deserved Recognition

Gabriel Boudier is proud to see this product celebrated by such an influential publication. This recognition reinforces our commitment to pushing the boundaries of creativity while honoring our artisanal craftsmanship.

Read the full Distiller Magazine article here : Bottling Umami.